Welcome to California Glacial - Mountain Spring Water Devilery in Los Angeles
Our Story

This beauty of a water crystal reveals exceptional crystalline structure and energy inherent in California Glacial water. The symmetrical shape and coherent fractality show that pristine mountain spring water is highly charged with life giving properties.
Mount Shasta is the continental United States' fifth highest peak at 14,162 feet. From carbon dating, we know our water is between 100 years and 10,000 years old, and comes from the snow and glacier level above 9,000 feet. It flows out of the foothills of the mountain in energetic streams at an amazing 39 degrees F year-round, amazing because this is the temperature by which water is at its densest and most structured. Perfection!

In 2002, scientists re-examined Mount Shasta’s glaciers over the period of 1951 to 2002, where the USGS recognizes seven total glaciers. They discovered that two of the glaciers nearly doubled during this time period, another increased by 50% and two more increased by 33%.
One of the expanding glaciers, named Whitney Glacier, is situated on Shasta’s northwest face and measures 2 miles long and 126 feet deep. It is the longest and the only valley glacier in California. Some of the glacial runoff of today will in a thousand years gush out of Shasta Springs with its own secrets of the mountain, ready to nourish life in an ever repeating hydrological cycle whose beauty is in the eons of time that it takes to create perfection.
We provide water as Nature intended, pristine, primordial and unspoiled. The millenial journey from glacier to glass, gently percolating through miles of layered granite, gem infused rock, lava tubes and precious elements, and what other secret minerals the mountain holds gives us a mature and balanced water, plentiful, and ready to nourish.

In the mid 1880’s, the railroad to Oregon was built through the California cascades. Track was laid at the foot of Mt. Shasta right next to a celebrated fresh water source sacred to the local native Americans.

An epic poem written a hundred years ago says this about Shasta Springs, the source of California Glacial.
Its healing virtues were at length revealed,
Like truth, that never can be long concealed;
To-day it stands "The Queen of Waters." Now
All other claimants at its shrine must bow.
Hail, SHASTA SPRING! Thou seem'st in very truth
The long sought "Fountain of Eternal Youth."
- Professor Charles Allen
(Read The Legend of Shasta Springs HERE)
Having discovered this pure and healing water, new settlers quickly built a stop along the tracks, a resort they christened Shasta Springs, where one could take in the rejuvenating waters.
In 1889 bottling of the water began, and it soon became popular and was shipped by rail all over the United States, to the White House and by ship as far south as Buenos Aires. From the 1890’s to the 1940’s, many visited Shasta Springs to enjoy the area’s healing vibration.
Celebrated for centuries for its exceptional quality and taste, and bottled for 130 years, the source remains uncompromised – sustainable living water, giving the vitality essential for mind, body, and spirit.

This photo of the spring is unenhanced. Clear pristine blue water flows out at over a million gallons per day to provide water for the eco-system and the community

Shasta Springs sits on land owned by a joint project between the City of Dunsmuir, the community, and a non-profit conservation organization.

Today a plant sits near the source of the springs. The water is gravity fed and bottled at the source in accordance with FDA and State guidelines. We prefer to bottle in glass, better for the water and the environment, refillable & renewable. From the plant, water is transported 600 miles to Los Angeles for local delivery.
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